Friday, December 17, 2010

Cruisers haircut and Can you "SPOT" me?

Three years ago, we sailed on a charter boat "Western Grace" with John and Joanne from Monterey to Cabo San Lucas. In the 3 days it took to get to Ensenada, our first stop, I found my shoulder length hair to be a bit of a pain. I threw caution aside, and through a local recomendation found a hairdresser and had my hair cut. Keep in mind there is a major language barrier, Estella spoke no english, and I spoke little spanish. I was a little nervous, but she did a great job and I was very happy with her skills, as well as my new hair.

So 3 years later, I am determined to find her again, and start my cruising life with "new hair". It took quite a bit of walking, but we were successfull!! Once again, I love my hair. If I lived here, she would be my hairdresser! Did I mention, it was less than $5? Ya gotta love Mexico.

Also, want to let you know you can follow us on our travels with "SPOT" it is a great tool to locate us, and we have a means of contacting someone should we have an urgent need or even an emergency.
I cannot get the link to work, but see Karen's comment below, SHE has the right link!!

Off to find a hardware store!


  1. Nice cut! Looks good. No, that SPOT link doesn't work but this one does:

    Have a safe next leg of your trip!

  2. Well, I cannot seem to get the link to work in my post, but Karen's link works!!
