Sunday, December 19, 2010


A little tension is in the air as we prepare for departure. There is a little weather headed this way, and if we don't leave today, we will be sitting here for another 4-5 days. Looks good weatherwise and our friend Randall on a Mariner 31 named Murr will be buddy boating with us.

Sandwiches are made, hot water is in the hot pot, and we have a couple of alternative meals and snacks depending on the weather and sea conditions. We also have to stow everything so it will not bounce around the cabin, and double check dinghy, fuel cans, etc to be certain all is well secured.

Warm weather clothes are at the ready, and electronics are prepared. Lot of work goes into a passage. It does get easier as you get used to the drill.

The plan is to sail for about 24 hours and arrive tomorrow at San Quintin, then be in Turtle Bay by Christmas.

No communication will be available until Turtle Bay except through "SPOT"

Hasta Luego!

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